Heart Disease Analysis

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Motivation & Objectives

AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) play a critical role in saving lives during cardiac emergencies. Laws and regulations requiring the presence of AEDs in public gathering places have been enacted in all fifty states in the U.S. As an data analyst in an AED supplier, my responsibility was:

Business questions

Questions are mainly in two aspects based on the objectives:

Data source

Heart Disease Indicators 2022
Heart Disease Prevalence

data exploration in python

Data exploration was initially conducted in Python, including correlation, geographical analysis, supervised and unsupervised machine learning to investigate the potential relationships among variables.


This is an example of making a correlation heat map by creating a subset of variables to investigate the relationship among variables. It demonstrates that among selected variables, the variable 'HadAngina' has relatively strong relationship with 'HadHeartAttack'.


This cluster analysis aims to plot the clusters for two variables 'Height' and 'BMI' using elbow technique and k-means clustering.

storytelling in Tableau

Results were visualized and an storyboard was created in Tableau to answer business questions.