
Online Video Rental Service

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Motivation & Objectives

Ruckbuster Stealth LLC is a movie rental company that used to have stores around the world. Facing stiff competition from streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime, Rockbuster Stealth is planning to use its existing movie licenses to launch an online video rental service in order to stay competitive. To help with the launch strategy for the new online video service, I use SQL to analyze the data and answer following business questions that other departments have.

Business questions

Here are the main questions the Rockbuster Stealth Management Board has asked:

Data source

Rockbuster data set: data for this project is fabricated and provided by Career Foundry.

data exploration in sql

Data exploration was initially conducted in SQL, including data filtering and cleaning, joining tables, subqueries performing and common table expression creating.


The Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) was extracted with DBVisualizer. And the Rockbuster database has a Snowflake Schema, with the payment table being the fact table.


This query aims to figure out how many customers in the country where the top 5 customers are based.

Data visualization in Tableau

Results from SQL were visualized in Tableau to answer business questions.


Sports, Sci-Fi and Animation were top 3 contributors to the revenue gain and PG-13 in the Rating contributed the most to the revenue.


Sales shown variation across different geographic regions and notably high figures observed in certain countries within Aisa and the Amercias.